After working on multiple projects together, we’ve decided to enter a formal partnership with Bluefrog. Jaap Franse, founder and CEO at Systemation said: “We have been very impressed by Bluefrog’s network and have worked together with them for multiple customers in the past. These projects were so successful we decided to strengthen and formalize our partnership. Bluefrog has a strong network of Data & Analyst professionals we can work with on pre-sales, PoC’s and implementations.”

Stephan den Adel, CEO at Bluefrog: “Systemation has an excellent track record when it comes to establishing solutions not yet known in the Netherlands. That’s because they have a very long service record. I’m very impressed by Wherescape (DWH Automation) and Manta (Data Lineage). As Data Architect I know the challenges for organisations in terms of data and these solutions are a godsend in these times of growing amounts of data, and the desire to be flexible and being able to deliver quickly while complying to increasingly strict laws and regulations.”

Our partnership will be focussed on helping organisations with Data Lineage with Manta, and DWH automation with Wherescape.

For more information, contact Angela Wiechers at, or visit If you want to learn more about our Data Lineage and DWH automation solutions, you can find more information in our solutions tab.